According to a disturbing trend I have been watching, even if you aren’t ready to go cashless, you may not be given much of a choice. For some of you this will have no impact, because you already live your life entirely on the grid—having paychecks on direct deposit and your transactions made online and through debit or credit cards.

What about the rest of us? There are people in America who can’t afford to have or maintain a bank account. Just a year or so ago my daughter, a college student, had to close a bank account because she was incurring too many fees for not being able to keep up the minimum balance requirements between paychecks. What about people who don’t trust the banking system as a whole, with good reasons? How will they protect themselves from a system that could collapse or be hacked? How will you?

In my state, the state of Louisiana, house bill 195 was passed into law (2011) banning the use of cash in all transactions involving second hand goods. We are talking about it being illegal to have cash transactions at garage sales, flea markets, and Good will stores without subjecting yourself to scrutiny by the police. This law requires that any cash changing hands needs to report the person’s personal information, including contact information, and a driver’s license number. With these mandates both seller and consumer are being pressured into a position of incurring bank and card processing fees with every transaction, not to mention giving up all financial privacy.

Louisiana House Bill 195 Bans Cash for Second Hand Transactions UPDATE—A revision of this law was enacted in June of 2012 specifying precious metals and popular stolen goods as the target.

The fact that this law was ever enacted in the first place (under the radar) disturbs me greatly.

The powers that be claim that this loss of privacy is to expose and curb the profiting of the underworld, thieves, and people avoiding sales tax. If that were true, then why on earth were all of the pawn brokers exempt from this law? We all know that the bulk of stolen goods end up in pawn shops and not at the local Goodwill store. Do you really think this law disenfranchised the thieves?

Pay close attention to the lies you are being fed by your leaders while they condescendingly pat you on your head and explain how “this is for your own good.” Don’t be fooled, this move is entirely for our insatiable revenue hungry government to track and control every penny that comes your way, and to hide the fact that their spending has far surpassed their ability to keep printing more.

For those who aren’t aware your banks have become accomplices to the governments greed—by order of the U.S. Justice Department bank tellers are already required to notify them of any person depositing or withdrawing $5000 or more in cash and can become subject of investigation or asset seizure.

What will stop them from going further? In my last article, I discussed demonetization, and what it means for India, the U.S., and possibly the world economy. I talked about the fallout from India’s uncaring government making a unilateral decision to devalue 86% of its currency overnight (the latest figure according to, most of which was in the hands of good hard working people, and how it was perhaps a testing ground for other markets to watch. According to a post by The Wall Street Journal— The United States and The European Central Bank are quietly killing the $100 bill and the €500 note. Are there more to follow?

I have read the bill for The Affordable Healthcare Act, and it is scary how this invasive and open ended legislation was allowed to push through. How many of you out there would sign a contract into law, knowing that the terms of the law could be rewritten at any time without your permission or consent as part of the agreement?

“(B) the Secretary has authority to implement under

this title or any other Act.”

The “appointed”, not “elected” Secretary of Health and Human Services is mentioned 2,577 times within the pages of the bill and given sole discretion on decision making.

Read it for yourself: H.R.3590 – Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

For years, political figures have been scared to talk about new taxes because so few of us are carrying the tax burden for everyone, and we don’t want to hear about any increases.

Well, they found a way around that didn’t they…a tax by any other name is still a tax.

Information from—”For tax year 2016, the penalty will rise to 2.5% of your total household adjusted gross income, or $695 per adult and $347.50 per child, to a maximum of $2,085.”

The Supreme Court found these penalties to be considered a tax protected by the constitution which allows the IRS to collect—and it seems this tax can only be applied to taxpayers.

I have been a hardworking, law abiding, tax paying member of the workforce since I was 15 years old. I do not go to doctors by choice, and yet I have to pay for others who don’t work and go for every sniffle.

Are we seriously going to add cashless to being an overtaxed and indebted country?

Get out of my pocket, my bedroom, my home, my womb, my bank account, and my healthcare!

In small increments, liberty and justice have morphed into subservience and injustice. My willingness to help drag this country forward after the wheels of freedom have been removed is waning.

If you are like me and have had enough of this overbearing government BS, then share the heck out of this blog post until it reaches our elected officials. I don’t believe anyone in our current government will do much to remedy this growing weight on our collective shoulders until we decide to cry revolution.

I wish there was one person in power to give us hope and prove me wrong.

United, we do not need violence or guns to take down a system; we simply stop participating in it. Let us see how long the rich and powerful can survive without us feeding them our time, our money, our children, and our lives.

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