This novel is a re-release of intense apocalyptic must-read fiction, a pivotal self-published treasure. In a retro, Night of the Comet fashion, curious humans who witness a breathtaking display of northern lights are transformed into homicidal maniacs who wreak havoc and seek to destroy those who were not altered. The scariest part of this already horrifying situation is that they look normal while knowing a target on sight. No one is to be trusted. Jack and Dee are a couple on the run with their two children, Cole and Naomi, desperately searching for refuge anywhere and everywhere. The country and possibly the world are now under attack by Individuals who have turned violent against the ones who did not experience the enlightenment provided by the momentary phenomenon. What will hold significance when all the unimportant is stripped from your world, and survival in a wasteland is the only task at hand? What will you be willing to do to avoid death and protect the ones you love?

Be warned that this author doesn’t hold back on the realities of an apocalyptic type event . . . this novel has gory heart-pounding intensity. I know it’s fiction, but it did give me a new perspective of what it must be like to experience the culling involved in acts of genocide. Prepare to be disturbed.

I highly recommend this book for fans of horror or suspenseful dystopian fiction.

I thank NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of Run for my unbiased evaluation.  4.5 stars

Professional Reader Reviews Published 100 Book Reviews

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