This is a delightfully witchy novel and a great pick for anyone who has enjoyed works by Tim Burton. If you place The Secret Garden, Beetlejuice, and A Series of Unfortunate Events in a blender . . . then out pours this delicious little story of two sisters. These two orphans land on their estranged aunt’s doorstep after their parents are lost in a dangerous mountain expedition. After a short while, in Aunt Clara’s care, Lily and Violet learn they each have a gift. A special gift that may also be a curse and has a reach far beyond the monetary riches they’ve recently inherited. Clara Woods is full of resentment and has a plan for what she feels she is owed. What Aunt Clara doesn’t realize is that sometimes a long-buried past can still come back to haunt you.

I thank NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of At the Bottom of the Garden for my unbiased evaluation.  4 stars

Professional Reader Reviews Published 100 Book Reviews

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