This is the second installment of the Lost Bride Trilogy and I’m thoroughly enjoying the dynamic cast of characters both the dead and the living. The story picks right up where it left off with Sonya MacTavish and friends perplexed by the enchanted antique mirror in the inherited haunted manor by the sea. This novel doesn’t exactly match the brisk pacing of the first one, as there are some slow and mundane sections in the middle. I’m sure the careful clue-gathering is a device used to catch our breath and prepare us for some big reveals in the next episode. Overall this is a fun and worthy addition . . . with a propulsive ending that leaves you frothing for the next chapter.

I highly recommend this series to fans of paranormal mysteries and domestic drama. I’m excited and looking forward to more about the tragic Poole Brides and their dark family secrets!

I thank NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of The Mirror for my unbiased evaluation.  4 stars

Professional Reader Reviews Published 100 Book Reviews

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