This a cute little novel about love and death. Nora finds herself back in her hometown running the family business after her parents die in a tragic car accident. As cheerful as Nora tries to be, she is inevitably surrounded by grief . . . both by the loss of her parents and by the fact that the family business just happens to be selling caskets to the locals of Rabbittown. A larger franchise has expressed an interest in buying her store, but she is still undecided and conflicted about her direction in life. Should she stay and maintain the roots of her upbringing, or set out on a new adventure? Bored and disillusioned, Nora perks up when a young man named Garrett Bishop enters the shop seeking better directions to a nearby location. Garrett is instantly intrigued by Nora. Shaking off stagnation, Nora needs to let go of her fears, weigh all of her options, and decide what path her life will take from here. I highly recommend this book to those who love dark humor and rom-coms.

I’d like to thank NetGalley for an advanced copy of Casket Case for my unbiased evaluation.  3.5 stars

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