I am an author and a picky reader. This novel was my first selection to review on NetGalley.

During the first few pages, I was worried that this book would not hold my attention . . . boy was I wrong!

There was a line delivered by Cairn’s dad, Emile, explaining the dynamics of his relationship to a woman (Cairn’s mother) who has been coming back to earth like a boomerang since the dawn of humanity. This was such a fun and intriguing concept . . . I had to know more about Ahna Delacroix (AKA-Sedna-goddess of sea life).

I really enjoyed the characters, the mythology, and the modern X-men feel to the storyline.

The relationships featured, and the connection to relatable human emotions throughout, make this book an enjoyable pick even if Fantasy is not your favorite genre.

I highly recommend This Eternity of Masks and Shadows and look forward to exploring more titles by Karsten Knight.

Professional Reader

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