For those that are new to Boley Books, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself . . .
I’m Kami Boley the featured author and creative director behind If you would like to learn more about me and my projects, please tour our website. I’d love to hear from you!
Today, I am pleased to introduce you to —

David Mike
David Mike is a Christ follower, husband, father, author, blogger, and cosmetology instructor in Omaha, Nebraska. He Is passionate about sharing the message that we do not have to be defined by our past and that God can use our kind of mess for good. Dishonor is his first book. Visit to learn more.
How did you discover you were a writer?
I’ve been a storyteller my entire life. Growing up as a military kid, I moved several times. Meeting new people all the time created a situation where we recapped our lives and previous experiences with each other. However, I had this major life hiccup and when I would tell people bits and pieces of this story, they would always say, “Dude, you need to write a book!” This went on for over 20 years until I joined an inspirational Facebook group started by Jon Acuff and read the book, You are a Writer by Jeff Goins. These were the catalysts that led me to start a blog and then eventually the book.
How many books have you written and what are their titles?
So far, I have written one book. Dishonor: One Soldier’s Journey from Desertion to Redemption It’s a memoir detailing the three years I spent in an Army prison and how God used that time to get my attention. My goal is to help people who struggle with the guilt and shame of their past, understand that, you do not have to be defined by your past, you have been forgiven and can have a new identity in Christ.
What is your favorite childhood book?
I had to do some internet research to find this book series, but I loved the Danny Dunn books. They were about a kid who had a scientist friend that led him on many interesting adventures.
Tell us about a pivotal book you read?
The most pivotal book I’ve ever read is Classic Christianity by Bob George. It describes God’s grace and forgiveness in a way that helped me fully understand what it means. Although I received a free copy in prison, over the past 30 years I’ve purchased multiple copies and given them away.
What genre of books are you most drawn to and why?
My favorite genre is military history/memoir. Especially the stories where someone overcomes extreme adversity. My favorite book is Unbroken which is Louis Zamperini’s story. They made a movie out of it, however, the book was much better.
What is the best money you ever spent as a writer?
My laptop!
Where do you find inspiration when you feel blocked?
Almost all of my writing is memoir based so if I run out of material, I can look at old pictures or just have conversations with friends and family. I store titles of future posts in Evernote so I can go back and add content later.
Do you hide secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
No, I pour out all my secrets in my writing. I know this is not what you meant. I have no “Easter Eggs” in my writing.
What activities do you enjoy when you’re not writing?
Our family is pretty active and I enjoy watching their activities, otherwise, I love to read, or listen to audio books.
What was your last project?
Dishonor is my only book published so far.
What is your next project?
On my blog, I have quite a few posts about the lighter side of my life. I hope to compile them into another book. My life is a circus and I love to share it with people, hopefully making them laugh at my expense.
How can readers connect with you?
Sometimes you have to be locked up to find true freedom.
David Mike swore allegiance to his country in 1987, only to be dishonorably discharged for desertion. One bad choice after another landed him at Fort Leavenworth, a notorious military prison in Kansas, where he starts a new life as an inmate. Follow his journey as he claws his way toward Christ and away from the past that yearns to destroy him . . .
We want to thank you for joining us today for this lovely Introduction to David and his work.
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Thank you for the opportunity Kami!
A pleasure David!
Proud to have met you and have the opportunity to share your story of struggle and redemption. Keep writing and inspiring!