Greetings from Boley Books,
Have you ever heard of MKUltra?
It sounds lively, like the latest techno track on the dance scene or as peppy as some new energy drink, but it was far more fantastical, malign, and real than you could ever imagine. Project MKUltra was the code name given to a secret CIA mind control program that was designed to run various human experiments in order to develop drugs and procedures to be used to gain control over an individual’s mind. These clandestine, often illegal, operations involved the development of chemical, biological, and radiological materials. This broad research was used to improve methods of torture and interrogation, methods used to override logical thought, to alter perceptions and effectively damage a subject’s free will.
The overall scope of the project lasted between 1945 and 1973 involving substances such as heroin, morphine, temazepam, mescaline, psilocybin, scopolamine, cannabis, LSD, alcohol, and sodium pentothal to make subjects more pliable. Many of the documents containing the bizarre details of these experiments were ordered destroyed by CIA Director Richard Helms in 1973 amidst the Watergate panic. A cache of over 20,000 misfiled documents survived and were uncovered in 1977 following the Freedom of Information Act. This finding sparked Senate hearings later that year where some of these documents were declassified and released to the public.
This is just a sliver of the fascinating facts of our nation’s past that I am studying in preparation for writing my next book . . . the sequel to The Gator Leaves Nothing Behind. My books have many complex threads of history woven throughout and I hope to shed a little more light on these points of interest for you in 2018.
Are you a fan of history?
Do you have information about the CIA and MKUltra . . . tell us about it!
Happy Reading and Writing,
Kami Boley and the Boley Books Team