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For those that are new to the Boley Books Family, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself . . .
I’m Kami Boley—the featured author and creative director behind boleybooks.com. If you would like to learn more about me and my projects, please email me—[email protected]. I’d love to hear from you!
Today, I am pleased to introduce you to a special person in my world. Author Nicole Eva Fraser was the first person to mentor and nurture me as a writer. Without her careful edits, coaching, friendship, and steadfast belief in my story, I would have never found the courage to fight for my words.

Nicole Eva Fraser
Meet Nicole—She is the author of three contemporary novels and a nonfiction e-book. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English and communications from Baldwin-Wallace University, and her Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from the NEOMFA consortium in northeast Ohio. A native of Boston, she now lives in Cleveland with her husband and pets. Nicole is also an editor, writer, ghostwriter, and coach.
1. How did you discover you were a writer?
I started writing as a kid and my dream was always to be a published writer. When I was 10, I wrote a 50-page book called Night of Wonder about a girl who time-traveled in her sleep. After I dropped out of college, I was a busy working mom with small children, so I wrote at night when my kids were sleeping—a screenplay and a 300-page novel. At the time, nobody in publishing was interested in my work. I threw the screenplay and novel away. But my dream lived on.
When my kids were older, I went back to college at night to study writing, and self-published my first novel in 2004. Eventually I got my Master of Fine Arts in creative writing, and my second and third novels were published by a small publisher.
2. How many books have you written and what are their titles?
Waiting for the World to End, published under the name Nicole Hunter, 2004
The Hardest Thing in This World, 2013
I Don’t Think It’s That Simple, 2015
GPS for New Novelists: Navigating the 5 routes of publication, 2014
3. What is your favorite childhood book?
Little Fur Family by Margaret Wise Brown
I longed to be the little fur child in this story! I still like to read it.
The mental illnesses of my childhood family members were full-blown or well into development when I was born. Home was a place of daily traumas. School and friends’ houses were escapes but it wasn’t safe to tell anyone what was happening to me. I acted happy on the outside, but was in despair and terrified inside, and even with friends who cared about me, I grew up feeling helplessly alone in the world.
Like most of us in similar situations, I created my own coping methods along the way. Reading became an escape for me when I was very young. I realize now that reading gave me a sense of belonging, a sense of community. Books connected me to the endlessly vast world of possibilities that lay beyond the prison of my childhood home. When I saw myself in someone else’s story, I found connection, and realized I wasn’t alone.
4. Tell us about a pivotal book you read as a teenager?
Tender Is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In the book, I found my twin soul—Nicole Warren Diver— leading a parallel-universe version of my life. We were such twins, we even shared our first name. In the end, against every single odd, she won – and gave me hope that I could do the same.
5. What is your writing kryptonite (weakness)?
Worrying about the business side (publication, marketing, getting known, selling my books…) instead of doing the work.
6. What is the best money you ever spent as a writer?
In 2004, I spent $200 to self-publish Waiting for the World to End. I had just finished the manuscript and stumbled upon the first major POD (print on demand) self-publisher, iUniverse, a subsidiary of Barnes & Noble at the time.
Being one of the first POD writers was like being a cowboy in the Wild West. It was a wide-open frontier. We were making it up as we went along. We were breaking all the laws, shooting in the dark, renegades who always lived to ride another day. I’m so lucky I had those adventures.
Ironically, Waiting for the World to End was my most successful book—thousands of times more successful than my traditionally published novels.
7. How do you choose the names for your characters?
The names just pop into my head and I don’t look back (unless a better name pops into my head later).
8. Do you hide secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
Ah, catharsis. Isn’t that what novels are for?
9. What activities do you enjoy when you’re not writing?
Running with my black and tan coonhound girl, Tessa.
Hanging out with my husband and kids and pets.
Reading fiction. Right now, I’m enjoying police procedurals set in China written in English by bilingual Chinese authors (rather than translations). Qiu Xiaolong is my current favorite author; he writes the Inspector Chen series.
10. What was your last project?
I ghostwrote four nonfiction books in 2015 and 2016, including an economic development book for a political candidate and the memoir of an individual in “the 1%.”
11. What is your next project?
There is no next project for me—I’m done writing.
In my day job, I manage a staff of 10 writers and 12 freelancers, so I’m focusing on helping them develop their careers and pursue their creative dreams.
Nicole’s Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Nicole-Eva-Fraser/e/B00FV0KKYK/
Do you think Evan Leighton is a stalker—or a good guy looking for love in all the wrong places? And how about Julia Atwater—is she an innocent flirt or a shameless manipulator? The one sure thing is that they both love Julia’s teenage son Hunter—then a surreal accident changes the course of all their futures. Evan and Julia may touch your heart, they may frustrate or infuriate you, but you’re guaranteed to recognize someone you care about—even yourself—in their story.
Sexy, smart-mouthed Melody Sawyer is an underachiever, a home health care nurse with good intentions and a chip on her shoulder. Her troubled daughter Renee recently dropped dead at age 24, but Renee’s ghost keeps popping in on the family. And Melody has no clue about her married daughter, Kayla–who since age 16 has been deep in a clandestine affair with pro baseball player Baron Lee Presley. Join the Sawyer women on their offbeat, darkly funny, and sometimes tragic journey as they try to conquer the hardest thing in this world.
Raised in upper-class Boston as the only child of two economists, Thomas Olsen grows up feeling like a perpetual outsider. Athletic and poetic, he eventually settles with more kindred spirits in suburban Indiana. But no one realizes Olsen is hiding a devastating secret.
As English department chairman and basketball coach at an Indiana high school, Olsen endears himself to the localsyet despite his popularity, he cant shake the loneliness that dogs him. After years of keeping a guilty silence around part of his past, his body and soul have learned to lead separate lives . . .
If you’re a new novelist who wants to get published and who needs directions for exploring your options—this is the right book.
In fact, this is the ONLY book that details each of the 5 routes to publication and gives you directions on how to navigate them.
Those 5 routes to publication are:
1.Traditional Publishing with an Agent and Advance
2.Traditional Publishing without an Agent or Advance
3.Self-Publishing with a Full-Service Company
4.Self-Publishing with a Distributor
5.Self-Publishing Direct to Retailers
We want to thank you for joining us today for this lovely Introduction to Nicole and her work.
Please remember . . . the best compliment you can give an author is to follow, read, and leave a helpful review.
We have many awesome interviews with authors and other creatives coming soon to entertain and educate stay tuned.
Happy Reading and Writing!!
Kami Boley and the Boley Books Team