Want to know how to organically grow your Twitter following without hassle and tricks? Use these simple basics to get more from your tweets and build a better audience.

1 You Are What You Tweet—Be aware of your content. Tweeting is micro-blogging, make sure your posts have value and are relevant to your pursuits . . . a true reflection of who you are as a person or a business. The audience you gain will be drawn by interest in the information you tweet or re-tweet.


2 Use images—Pictures can grab way more attention than text alone to ensure more readers of your content.


3 Use hashtags—Research words and phrases that your audience might use to find your post and similar content with ease.


4 Be polite—If someone likes or retweets a post . . . find a post on their feed to reciprocate the gesture. This is how all friendly relationships are built.Tweet: Be polite—If someone likes/retweets a post ... find a post on their feed to reciprocate. This is how all friendly relationships are born.



5 Put your best tweet forward—Make it super easy for someone to show you some love . . . PIN your latest tweet for sharing at the top of your feed.


6 Find your audience—Do you follow someone similar or have an active follower? It is likely that if this person is interested in your posts then their followers might be too. Take a peek at their follower list and follow anyone that looks like they would benefit from your posts, but don’t be a creeper (only a few at a time). Play nice ? you must follow to prompt a follow-back!


7 Follow back—You should be courteous and follow back any followers that have potential unless the account does any of these no-no’s . . .


  • Only post about themselves and never retweets anyone else’s posts. (Narcissistic tweeters are not the best friends or audience for anyone to have, let them play alone.)
  • Posts distasteful material such as porn.
  • Has no tweets (these are likely bots or fishing accounts for other social media such as Snapchat ?)
  • Has only spammy tweets on their feed.


When it comes to following, you can be as picky as you want . . . just remember that they can be too. Twitter etiquette is a two-way street.


8 Unfollow—I know this might sound counterproductive at first glance, but Twitter slows your roll at about 5,000 followers and you will not be able to follow-back people that are genuinely interested in what you have to say. Once a week I go back over my “following” list and unfollow anyone that is not following me. I figure they are not interested. As in all areas of life . . . do not waste efforts and energy on those that are not interested in you.


9 To DM or not to DM?—This is difficult to decide. Using an introductory message can be helpful to an audience member, but, some people are annoyed by them. I rarely use direct messaging for any further contact unless I receive an inquiry or I am already fond of the person that I followed.


10 Get extra help—There is no shame in asking for assistance, looking for advice, or using an app to teach you the ropes. I used the Crowdfire app when I first started and it did help me to learn the basics, but now I find it more of a hindrance than a help. Social media is ever evolving, so revisiting your techniques is always advisable.



I hope these quick tips will help you build a stronger Twitter family. I eat and breathe books . . . so, if you love books, please follow @boleybooks on Twitter and I will gladly follow you back. ?

We have many awesome interviews with authors and other creatives coming soon to entertain and educate    stay tuned.

Happy Reading and Writing!!
Kami Boley and the Boley Books Team



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