For those that are new to the Boley Books Family, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself . . .
I’m Kami Boley—the featured author and creative director behind If you would like to learn more about me and my projects, please visit our website. I’d love to hear from you!
Today, I am exploring another book genre by introducing you to author Diana Bartkowiak who writes about spiritual health and healing.

Diana Bartkowiak
Diana Bartkowiak is a health coach, minister, and writer. She received her training at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, Body-Mind Institute, Hallelujah Acres and Andrew Wommack Ministries. Diana works with people who are in search of ministry counsel, health coaching and who are ready for a major spiritual health overhaul.
1. Diana, how did you discover you were a writer?
When I realized it was my most comforting therapy and that through my words I could help others to find that same comfort.
2. How many books have you written and what are their titles?
I’ve written two books.
Organic Baby Holistically Raised—My then two-year-old grand-daughter is the voice of the book, a story written through her eyes . . . as if to explain my upbringing of her through poetry. It was published on May 10th 2016 (on the anniversary of my stepfather’s death).
My second book, Becoming Me While Losing You, was completed on January 23, 2017, in honor of my stepfather’s birthday, making it another personal accomplishment for me.
3. It seems you have strong emotional threads that connect your work to your family and your past. What other ways have you honored the memory your loved ones?
I organized a book signing event on May 27, 2017, in remembrance of the loss of my mother, 18 years to the date of losing her. :’(
4. Tell us about a pivotal book you read as a teenager?
Unless it was assigned—I didn’t read. Seriously though Charlotte’s Web stands out to me, yet again another eye-opening, heart-opening subject to my now Vegan heart. Step by step I’ve read my way into ‘who I am’ I guess. I now LOVE to read, write & save the animals.
5. How do you get prepared for a successful writing session?
Vision—after prayer, meditation and alone, quiet time. Then I let the juices flow. Writing is my therapy for all things!
6. What is the best money you ever spent as a writer?
Hands down, My awesome editor, Mysti Linne, I can’t put a price on the love, support, and awesome creativity she brought to my book and my life. She is priceless!
7. Do you hide secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
Oh, there are definite “read between the lines” messages; I’ve been told by many that they both speak volumes on my many subjects. Even my first little book that is only 20 something pages long.
8. What activities do you enjoy when you’re not writing?
Reading, researching, spending time with my girls and grandloves, and peaceful time in nature, It’s where I receive my best visions and messages.
9. What was your last project?
Becoming Me While Losing You. It serves as a great ministerial tool with my clients.
10. What is your next project?
I have three “next projects” on the back burner:
I am structuring a study guide for Becoming Me While Losing You. I’ve been asked if I’d ever turn it into a Christian movie, in which, I’d have to share many more details that were left out.
I’ve also been asked to turn “Organic Baby Holistically Raised’ it into a coloring book, and others have asked me to expand it into chapters on all the subjects I touched on.
And of course, as a health coach, I have many books started on Healing through Faith and Food.
11. How can readers connect with you?
Diana’s Blog Page:
Diana’s Facebook pages: Becoming Me While Losing You; Faith & Food for Healing; My Beloved Family; Vegan By Revelation;
Amazon Author Page:
“The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.” – Dr. Steve Maraboli
Letting go is the most difficult challenge in our lives. We must learn to release control over our desires for life to stay the same as we painfully shed the cocoon of safety. Becoming Me While Losing You is the journey of Diana Bartkowiak beginning with wedding planning abruptly ceased with the sudden death of her Mother through the loss of one of the greatest men in her life, her step-daddy, Dan. Entwined with grieving, Diana fought to find peace through depression, anxiety, illness, and the subsequent struggle in her marriage. What she discovered is a truth no man can take away.
We want to thank you for joining us today for this lovely Introduction to Diana and her work.
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We have many awesome interviews with authors and other creatives coming soon to entertain and educate stay tuned.
Happy Reading and Writing!!
Kami Boley and the Boley Books Team