Hey, if you missed it, read Part One here


Spoiler alert (if you plan to see the movie)

A synopsis of the movie is needed for me to explain further. The Dark Crystal is a fantastical adventure where there are kind beings called the Mystics and beings that embody negative traits called the Skeksis. At the center of the story is a crystal that once, when it was whole, was of pure light and beauty. The story tells of a peaceful time when the Mystics and the Skeksis were of one body, one race, before the crystal was shattered, which separated the beings into good and bad, wise, and evil. During this period of division, the land falls into madness and despair. In the end, once healed, both the crystal and the fused ethereal beings work together to regain a semblance of sanity. This children’s movie is full of complex and powerful ideas about life, love, and the ills of the world.

As an adult, I don’t see the issues of the world in shades of black-and-white, more often than not, a bit more homogeneous in spectrum. I am willing to evaluate every situation on facts rather than immediately swallowing spoon-fed information, or let it be distorted by emotion.

I walk away from the noise of the world and look at matters on my own with a clear head.

I speculate that everything on earth is a molecule, an infinitesimal part of a much larger organism. A connection that some wish to ignore, for fear of losing their individuality. So many people need to feel like a special snowflake…and to some degree we are, but not to exclusion. If we are all a part of the same essence, then either we are all special or none of us are.

To me, if there is a such thing as a holy or supreme life force…then that entity is surely the universe as a whole, everything that exists is a part of a collective being. That spirit is in us and all around us, I do not seek a savior outside my substance, when instilled in me is the power to save myself.

We are born perfect, capable of boundless peace, love, and strength of spirit. The evil that society does is to twist these virtues into something that no longer resembles itself.

We are not born to pay taxes and consume—not meant to destroy each other and the gorgeous home that Earth could be if we allowed it to exist free from our interference.

There is a scene in The Dark Crystal movie that is especially troubling to me, but still an ugly reflection of truth. A family of creatures called Landstriders (a mom and dad leave their child behind) are recruited to carry the two Gelflings that are destined to fulfill a prophecy. During the journey, they encounter giant crab-like creatures that cause the death of the Landstrider parents. The Gelflings do not once acknowledge the sacrifice that the Landstriders have made to keep them safe. Does this sound at all familiar? People die every day in war, often for a cause that is not necessarily their own. Souls that are trampled for people and governments who take brief or no notice at all.

We all arrived on this planet the same. There are no kings—no special blood. Anyone who claims otherwise is a bully trying to force you beneath the thumb of tyranny. No government, single person, nor corporation “owns” anything. Not the land and certainly not its resources. It has all been a lie…a complete farce.

Think about it. Trace it back to the beginning and tell me who the first buyer of anything was, the first deed holder, and who did they purchase it from?

Governments and the politics of religion became the troll under the bridge, the bully on the playground, deciding who gains access, and who doesn’t.

The entire monetary system has been a convoluted policy of subterfuge and slavery.

As a collective, we have been undermined so long that we don’t remember enough to know that we don’t know—Our history rewritten time and time again.

Societal organizations want us to believe in strict unforgiving boundaries, to exclude certain people from its embrace. To pick a side to be on, us against them—with absolute beliefs leading to dangerous channels of thought.

When all of a person’s basic physiological needs are met—only then can you see a person’s true nature. Polluting essentials such as air, water, food, clothing, shelter and withholding them for a ransom is abusive. To think otherwise when you have never experienced true and lasting poverty, is asinine. You cannot judge a person who lives in constant fear for survival. You cannot put a tight noose around someone’s neck and expect that person to not struggle for room to breathe. If we could just treat each other with some dignity and respect—we might be able to make this world the place it was meant to be. We are continually being manipulated, divided–taught to hate and consume.

There is a better way…there has to be.


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